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Copywriter nieuws (149)

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We have a wonderful opportunity for an up 'n coming wordsmith to work at a highly awarded Below-the-Line agency in Cape Town. If you're a super-star Junior Copywriter with one years' experience under your belt that shows off your flair for clever BTL ...

Datum: | Bron: MarkLives.com

Mark Duffy has written the Copyranter blog for 11 years and is a freelancing copywriter with 25-plus years of experience. His hockey wrist shot is better than yours. Before “Mad Men,” the word seriously confused people. “So, are you a writer-writer ...

Datum: | Bron: Digiday

'Build the wall, stop the drugs', 'We have no country if we have no border', 'You talk, but you don't get anything done', 'Let's run this country like I run my company': een Republikeinse copywriter had duidelijk overuren geklopt. Maar hoe hard Trump ...

Datum: | Bron: De Morgen

... Maria Carrilero (DTP Vormgever); Serge Druiven (Digital Producer); Jos van Moerkerk (DTP-er); Thomas Aberson (Art Director); Dick Bos (Art Director); Michiel Wichman (DTP Vormgever); Marja Borkus (Traffic Manager) en Judith Hartog (Copywriter).

Datum: | Bron: Emerce

Häss&DAS Brand Factory, a PR and marketing start-up in Cape Town's northern suburbs/Montague Gardens area servicing SMEs in the local construction sector, is looking for an enthusiastic, hard-working individual with copywriting and social media in ...

Datum: | Bron: Bizcommunity.com

Highly regarded, Major multi-disciplinary healthcare communications agency is looking for a talented head of copy to lead and develop a fast growing team! With continued success, this global award winning agency seeks a Head of Copy to lead their ...

Datum: | Bron: PMLiVE

Boomerang Create en Boomerang Motion zien het personeelsbestand in zeer korte tijd met een kwart groeien met de aanstelling van tien nieuwe medewerkers. Het gaat om vier designers, een projectmanager, drie producers, een conceptual copywriter en ...

Datum: | Bron: Emerce

Après avoir travaillé à La Chose, Madre Buenos Aires et Fred&Farid Paris où son travail a été récompensé par de nombreux festivals (Cannes Lions, Eurobest, ...

Datum: | Bron: L'ADN

Copywriter and creative director Ryan Raab is returning to Droga5 after spending just over a year at BBDO. Raab and art director Dan Kennealy met at Droga in 2013 and went on to work as a duo on the Newcastle, Johnsonville, Clearasil and Jockey ...

Datum: | Bron: AgencySpy

Als online copywriter mag je de hele dag naar de website van JD Sports kijken. Je bent als eerste op de hoogte van alle nieuwe gave producten die JD verkoopt. De Engelse productbeschrijvingen die bij de nieuwste sneakers en streetwear staat, moet ...

Datum: | Bron: Villamedia

Интересные, разносторонние задачи. С нами ты сможешь сам писать контент, а также попробовать себя в качестве редактора; переводить и улучшать классные (не-SEO) тексты. Дай волю своему воображению и прояви себя в email-маркетинге ...

Datum: | Bron: AIN.UA

Amidst the lamenting of all that is wrong with the business of marketing, an idea emerged: to throw the rulebook out the window and run AMOK with the industry.

Datum: | Bron: Bizcommunity.com

Alaura Weaver is a story-based copywriter and content strategist who works with startup founders. She helps innovators connect with audiences, improve lives, and make social change using the art and science of emotional marketing narratives. Her work ...

Datum: | Bron: Huffington Post

Plymouth, MN -(AmmoLand.com)- Sporting a portfolio of high-profile clients including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Best Buy, and Jägermeister, to name just a few, senior copywriter Greg Lewerer joins Primer 180, a one of a kind go-to-market agency focused on ...

Datum: | Bron: AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

Ezra Ogeto is an ardent freelance writer. He has been a ghost writer, web content writer and SEO copywriter for more than 1 ½ years. He has attended the University of Nairobi School of Economics. He is a receptive guy who is ready to help his clients ...

Datum: | Bron: Idea Studio Ltd

TemplateMonster— американская компания с украинскими корнями, основанная в 2002 году и входящая в ТОП-3 мировых производителей веб-решений ...

Datum: | Bron: AIN.UA

Este mereu prezent la evenimente și vrea să știe mai multe despre eforturile din spate. Îi vine ușor să țină pasul cu tehnologia, iar news feed-ul îl ajută. Are ritm. Nu, nu la dans, ci la scris - știe să diversifice structura și lungimea frazei până o ...

Datum: | Bron: IQads

Before you hire your company's copywriter make sure they fit these four qualities.

Datum: | Bron: Fox News

Before you hire your company's copywriter make sure they fit these four qualities.

Datum: | Bron: Entrepreneur

Do you have a passion for healthcare and a flair for creative writing? If the answer is yes, then apply now to become a junior medical copywriter at this award winning multi-disciplinary healthcare communications agency. With continued success, this ...

Datum: | Bron: PMLiVE

There is an exciting opportunity for a mid- to senior copywriter to join an international agency that is in the process of establishing its advertising offering in South ...

Datum: | Bron: Bizcommunity.com

... Editions, een print on demand drukkerij waarvan ik vermoed dat ze verwijst naar de ondernemers Antoine Bomon en copywriter Stefaan Van Laere (zelf schrijver van negen thrillers rond de Gentse kommissaris George Bracke; Zenit verschijnt half oktober).

Datum: | Bron: Knack.be

Jesteśmy agencją strategiczno-kreatywną. Łączymy pomysły w spójne i skuteczne rozwiązania wizerunkowe. Naszą ambicją jest pokonywanie barier codziennej sztampy, wyszukiwanie nieodkrytych dotąd rozwiązań, które pozwolą na bycie zawsze o krok do ...

Datum: | Bron: wirtualnemedia.pl

The appointed Copywriter will be part of the retention team, helping to set up promotions and create content to retain their huge international client base. This is an excellent opportunity to use German language skills and excel in English at a ...

Datum: | Bron: Gaming Intelligence

A mid-sized creatively-led, integrated advertising agency in the northern suburbs is on the hunt for a talented copywriter.

Datum: | Bron: Bizcommunity.com
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