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Copywriter nieuws (180)

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Swedish/English Copywriter - Malta. Email. 19. Dec. 14. Position: Swedish/English Copywriter Location: Malta. Job Description: My client, an established iGaming operator with offices in Malta, is looking for a Casino Manager to join their team. Job ...

Datum: | Bron: Gaming Intelligence Group (registration)

Our agency client is seeking a Sr. Medical Copywriter on a freelance basis. Day-to-day responsibilities will include but may not be limited to: • Development of copy aspects for brand campaign concepting and implementation in multichannel marketing.

Datum: | Bron: mediabistro.com

We are looking for a fabulous highly creative Senior Team, Art Director and Copywriter. With big brand experience and exceptional at forming great client relationships, you're good listeners and thrive in a busy fast paced agency. This role is hugely ...

Datum: | Bron: MuMbrella

In his roles as copywriter and social creative, Fraser will work with the KidGlov team to concept and create persuasive copy for brands across multiple mediums, including direct mail, websites and social media. Fraser comes from an Omaha agency where ...

Datum: | Bron: Lincoln Journal Star

As a copywriter I'm not entirely sure what I'd like for Christmas. As a person it's easy. Lynx, strong cheese, a beard that teenagers won't laugh at and possibly a useless book about something like Jeff Goldblum's 100 favourite types of milk. But as a ...

Datum: | Bron: The Drum

Frederik De Brant (27) studeerde communicatiewetenschappen aan de UGent en is copywriter bij het Antwerpse reclamebureau These Days Y&R. 15 december 2014. 1 ©kos. Beste Zweden, coalitieleden, Ik heb nog nooit gestaakt, en ben dat in de nabije ...

Datum: | Bron: De Morgen

Una vecchia diatriba che ogni tanto vale la pena di riaprire: quella fra pubblicitari e giornalisti. Come è noto i pubblicitari, anzi i copywriter (quelli che scrivono le pubblicità), sono additati da sempre come i peggiori manipolatori e soprattutto i ...

Datum: | Bron: Il Fatto Quotidiano

David Sores is een werkloze veertigers, een copywriter die zijn beste jaren gehad heeft. Zijn midlifecrisis en zijn bijhorend drankprobleem weet hij uiteindelijk te overwinnen door een boek over zijn vader te schrijven. Hoe het boek een bestseller ...

Datum: | Bron: Goeiedag

B-to-B copywriter Ernest Nicastro has been recognized by The Association of Marketing and Communications Professionals (AMCP) for "outstanding creative achievement." The Marcom Awards is an international awards competition administered by the ...

Datum: | Bron: PR Web (press release)

Vorig jaar deed de copywriter dezelfde stunt al eens met zwarte blokken. Die zijn inmiddels uitverkocht. Van de nieuwe witte versie zijn er slechts tien beschikbaar, dus er snel bij zijn is de boodschap. Wie te laat is, heeft niets. HLN.be-nieuws in je ...

Datum: | Bron: Het Laatste Nieuws

Bạn là người có đam mê, nhiệt huyết, năng động, sáng tạo và muốn phát triển nghề Viết quảng cáo chuyên nghiệp, quảng cáo online, ấn phẩm, báo chí … thì khóa học copywriter - Ngôn sứ thương hiệu là sự chọn lựa phù hợp dành cho bạn. Nội dung học ...

Datum: | Bron: Tuổi Trẻ

Bạn là người có đam mê, nhiệt huyết, năng động, sáng tạo và muốn phát triển nghề viết quảng cáo chuyên nghiệp, quảng cáo online, ấn phẩm, báo chí… thì khóa học copywriter Ngôn sứ thương hiệu là sự chọn lựa phù hợp dành cho bạn.

Datum: | Bron: Thanh Niên

Red Jelly copywriter Robbie Arnott wins 2014 Scribe non-fiction literary prize. Red Jelly copywriterwriter Robbie Arnott has won the 2014 Scribe non-fiction prize for young writers. The announcement: Robbie Arnott, writer at Hobart creative agency Red ...

Datum: | Bron: MuMbrella

Intotdeauna mi s-a parut ca nu l-am apreciat pe Mihai Eminescu la adevarata lui valoare pentru ca ne-a fost prea mult bagat pe gat in timpul scolii. Si cum nu prea ne placeau lucrurile pe care le invatam la scoala, nu prea ne placea nici Eminescu. Sau ...

Datum: | Bron: IQads

She worked for many years as an advertising copywriter at agencies in Manhattan including Benton & Bowles. Andriulli is survived by her husband, Anthony Andriulli of Greenwich; daughter, Katie Andriulli of New York, N.Y.; sisters, Kathy (Carl) Moak of ...

Datum: | Bron: The Daily Voice

One of the things I am sometimes told by marketing managers is that they have a copywriter who writes the company's content. In the past that person might just have been putting out press releases or doing direct mail, but now they also write blog ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian

The Geeks cauta copywriter la inceput de cariera. Desi 1-2 ani de experienta ajuta, nu sunt obligatorii. Pentru a aplica, trimite un mail la contact@thegeeks.ro si raspunde la cele 2 puncte de mai jos: 1. Trimite o prezentare Powerpoint cu propunerea ...

Datum: | Bron: IQads

Als stagiaire Copywriter van de afdeling Marketing en Communication hou je dagelijks bezig met het omzetten van marketing ideeën naar inspirerende teksten. Jouw teksten moeten ervoor zorgen dat de consument zich aangetrokken voelt tot het merk en de ...

Datum: | Bron: FashionUnited NL

Als stagiaire Copywriter van de afdeling Marketing en Communication hou je dagelijks bezig met het omzetten van marketing ideeën naar inspirerende teksten. Jouw teksten moeten ervoor zorgen dat de consument zich aangetrokken voelt tot het merk en de ...

Datum: | Bron: FashionUnited NL

Deze young professional met het dubbele diploma Communicatiewetenschappen (ULB) en Copywriting (CAD) was tot voor kort actief bij Darwin BBDO als copywriter. Tijdens haar vrije tijd scherpt Clara haar pen op haar modeblog: www.ixelloisechic.com.

Datum: | Bron: Digimedia (satire) (persbericht) (abonnement) (Blog)

De meeste werknemers die hij interviewde waren hoogopgeleide kantoormedewerkers met een hoge mate van autonomie in hun werk, vertelt Paulsen aan The Wall Street Journal. Zo was er een copywriter die zo ongeveer de hele dag op haar eigen blog ...

Datum: | Bron: nrc.nl

Senza dubbio, il mestiere di copywriter costituisce uno spaccato particolarmente significativo da questo punto di vista e, per approfondire la tematica, Daily Green ha intervistato Benedetto Motisi, noto copywriter italiano, che ci ha spiegato meglio ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Green - La notizia cambia, si fa verde

Na de avond, toen alle beste schrijvers en schrijfsters van Nederland zo langzamerhand min of meer richting hun eigen huizen terugkeerden, bleven Dautzenberg, Erik Hannema (misschien wel de beste copywriter van Nederland) en ik over. Met Wouter ...

Datum: | Bron: Contrabas

A well known through the line agency in the heart of Greenpoint is looking to fill a role for a middleweight - senior (through -the-line) copywriter. We looking for a solid through the line writer with a bent for strategy as well as concept and craft ...

Datum: | Bron: Bizcommunity.com

Jij zet digitale campagnes op voor webshops. Je verzint samen met een copywriter een idee, dat je vervolgens aan de webshop presenteert. “Voor een webshop voor koffers en tassen hebben we laatst bijvoorbeeld de actie Wat zit er in je tas? bedacht ...

Datum: | Bron: NRC Q
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